ZTC in News
Mr. Hemakumar, Founder and Managing Director of ZTC International, was invited to address the World Green Roof Conference held in the beautiful city of Hainan China in March 2011. World Green Roof Conference spokesperson said it is for the first time that an Indian has been invited to the World Green Roof Conference. Mr. Hemakumar was invited to address the conference and share his views and vision for high-rise vertical greens in the world which are created using HK Kadosh products that are designed engineered, and manufactured in India to suit vertical green module and fitted with automated irrigation and drainage system. He was recognised for his contributions through the HK Kadosh to vertical greens. HK Kadosh products are one of the kind in the world and they areexclusively designed for high-rise buildings taking into consideration wind, weather, weight, and maintenance factors. Mr. Hemakumar is also the Founder of Indian Green Infrastructure Network (IGIN) , a NGO based in Bangalore. IGIN is also closely associated with the World Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN).